Ann Pettifor

Financing the Future We Want with the TNI

This is a You Tube recording of a discussion organised by the Trans National Institute (TNI) on Wednesday, 7th October, 2020. Jayati Ghosh, Ann Pettifor, Alvin Mosioma and Oscar Reyes hold a stimulating conversation on how to finance a recovery from COVID-19 and invest in a just climate transition. They address key questions such as

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How to transfer power away from markets to democratically elected governments

This article was written in July, 2020 for Project Syndicate where it was finally published on 1st October, 2020. The global economy suffers from dangerous imbalances.  Economic goals for endless ‘growth’ lead to rises in heat-trapping gases that conflict with the earth’s limited capacity to manage rising toxic emissions.  Urbanisation, pollution, soil erosion, deforestation, depletion

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The universities were warned…

On 8th April, 2019, I addressed the annual conference of the British Universities Finance Directors Group held at Royal Holloway College. The theme of my presentation was: “For how much longer is globalised, credit-fuelled ‘growth’ sustainable?” The assembled Treasurers and Finance Directors listened in respectful silence, but few questioned me after the presentation. My presentation

The universities were warned… Read More »

For an economic and a green revolution: Chartist interview

Nigel Doggett and Mike Davis spoke to Ann Pettifor about why a Green New Deal is central to our recovery   How do you see the GND playing out against the Covid crisis? There are two roads to travel. One is the progressive one in which our leaders wake up to the scale of the

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Radically transforming the EU economy – and how to finance it

September 4, 2020 The following article appeared on Progressive Post, the website of the Foundation of Progressive European Studies (FEPS) The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed a simple truth: today’s model of globalised, financialised capitalism, teetering on a shaky foundation of vast debts and costly credit, cannot deliver human well-being. In order to reverse the course,

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Remembering John Weeks

Late last month, pioneering socialist economist John Weeks passed away. Ann Pettifor remembers her colleague and friend – and his contributions to left-wing politics. This piece first appeared in Tribune magazine on 08 August, 2020. Please note correction at the end of this piece. John Weeks, brilliant Left economist and public intellectual, would have been

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Green Shoots: the best books to inspire hope for the planet

This review of books to inspire a green transformation appeared in The Guardian on 18 July, 2020. Everyday life has been upended by the pandemic, but the Arctic heatwave is a reminder that the climate crisis still poses an urgent threat to humanity. We will need resolve, ambition and optimism as we emerge from lockdown,

Green Shoots: the best books to inspire hope for the planet Read More »

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