Ann Pettifor

Economic Orthodoxy

Build back better? Rebalancing the global economy

My book reviews of WHAT WE OWE EACH OTHER by Minouche Shafik, GO BIG by Ed Milliband and RESCUE by Ian Goldin, were published by the Times Literary Supplement on 10 September, 2021.  In the preface to What We Owe Each Other, Minouche Shafik quotes the opening line of W. B. Yeats’s famous poem, “The […]

Build back better? Rebalancing the global economy Read More »


The following by yours truly was prepared for the Progressive Governance Digital Summit on 10th June, 2021.  The COVID19 crisis illuminated the reality of globalisation. World leaders proved incapable of convening an international summit to prevent the spread of the pandemic and to collaborate on a vaccine for the world’s people – the 99%.  However,


A new internationalism on the terms of labour

  This article was written for the Brussels-based Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and published here on the 7th June, 2021. If progressive European political parties are to achieve both relevance and electoral success, a paradigm shift is required: away from Social Democracy’s attachment to financialised globalisation. If they aim to defeat nationalism, and

A new internationalism on the terms of labour Read More »

To restructure the British state, the international financial system must be transformed.

I contributed the following to a book – THE RETURN OF THE STATE –  published by the Progressive Economy Forum (PEF) and launched on 19 May, 2021.  The Covid-19 crisis has demonstrated one important truth. The international financial system is designed on terms that suit the owners of capital, not on terms that suit nation

To restructure the British state, the international financial system must be transformed. Read More »

For the Age of Economics podcast: The International Financial System

The objectives of this project, The Age of Economics, are to shed light on the most salient challenges facing human civilization, explore the role of economics and the inner workings of capitalism, and heighten people’s awareness of both the economic system in which they live and work, and the role of economics in understanding this ever-changing system.

For the Age of Economics podcast: The International Financial System Read More »

Remembering John Weeks

Late last month, pioneering socialist economist John Weeks passed away. Ann Pettifor remembers her colleague and friend – and his contributions to left-wing politics. This piece first appeared in Tribune magazine on 08 August, 2020. Please note correction at the end of this piece. John Weeks, brilliant Left economist and public intellectual, would have been

Remembering John Weeks Read More »

The duel: Should we aim to get the economy back to “business as usual”?

The following debate between Paul Wallace and Ann Pettifor appeared in Prospect magazine on 10 July, 2020.   Is our capitalist economy an unparalleled engine of prosperity, or a human and ecological disaster? Two contributors debate whether the system is worth saving   Yes—Paul Wallace It is tempting, when living through a once-in-a-century event such

The duel: Should we aim to get the economy back to “business as usual”? Read More »

Capital subordinated to the interests of labour (society)

We are living through terrifying times. The greatest threat to humanity stems not just from a virulent superbug, but as scary –  the response to it. In Britain, as in the US, policy action is dictated by an ultra-nationalist government, which while pretending to “take back control” remains committed to a free-for-all for the owners

Capital subordinated to the interests of labour (society) Read More »

How the sexist ‘Nobel Prize’ in economics has warped the world

The following hastily written piece appeared in Left Foot Forward on 25th September, 2019. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics will be 50 years old next month. One thing unites all its winners, bar one: they have all been male. This is not just an affront to equality. In overlooking brilliant female economists, the Swedish

How the sexist ‘Nobel Prize’ in economics has warped the world Read More »

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