Ann Pettifor


Industrial Policy’s Comeback?

  This is my comment on a major article on Industrial Policy in the Boston Review, published in September, 2021. The leading article was by Professor Mariana Mazzucato, Rainer Kattel and Josh Ryan-Collins. In their well-executed argument for a new approach to economic policy, Mazzucato, Kattel, and Ryan-Collins spell out how governments could develop an industrial policy to shape […]

Industrial Policy’s Comeback? Read More »

For an economic and a green revolution: Chartist interview

Nigel Doggett and Mike Davis spoke to Ann Pettifor about why a Green New Deal is central to our recovery   How do you see the GND playing out against the Covid crisis? There are two roads to travel. One is the progressive one in which our leaders wake up to the scale of the

For an economic and a green revolution: Chartist interview Read More »

The City of London’s distress because real change may be coming…

Alarm bells are distress signals. As this election campaign reaches its climax the Financial Times registers high levels of investor distress as its wealthy readers panic over the possibility that real change is coming. The change they fear is not automation and AI. No, it’s the possibility that “If Labour come to power on this

The City of London’s distress because real change may be coming… Read More »

Review: The Growth Delusion by David Pilling

This review first appeared in the Times Literary Supplement on the 10 May, 2018 under the title: Greed is not Good. The subject of growth is popular with economists, not so much with ecologists. It has been much studied and written about –  by philosophers, theologians, scientists, environmentalists – as well as economists. John Stuart

Review: The Growth Delusion by David Pilling Read More »