Ann Pettifor


The future of money – for El Pais

This note was published by Spain’s El Pais on 4 May, 2020 Central banks have adopted extraordinary, historically unprecedented measures to prevent this pandemic collapsing the globalised financial system. Trillions of dollars, euros and yen have been created ‘out of thin air’. As a result there is a fear of inflation – the erosion of […]

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The beauty of a Green New Deal is that it will pay for itself

On the day that my book The Case for the Green New Deal is launched, the Guardian published the article below. In September 2007, as credit was “crunched” and the financial crisis began to unfold, a group of economists and environmentalists, including the future Green party MP Caroline Lucas, met regularly in my small London

The beauty of a Green New Deal is that it will pay for itself Read More »

The Future of Money: An Interview with Ann Pettifor

This interview with Dr. Ian Cosh appeared on the Misc magazine website on 29 August, 2018 We tend to think of money as a cultural artifact that has evolved from stone disks and precious metals into modern currencies that are becoming increasingly digital. According to Ann Pettifor, a UK-based economist and director of Policy Research

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Money for Nothing…

The production of money is ultimately the struggle for control over resources, wealth, people and our environment. But there is a surprising level of ignorance around how banks create money out of thin air and the benefits which flow from it. So on this programme we shine a much-needed light on who should get the

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Money and the Government: Everything You Need to Know But Were Afraid to Ask

The following is an interview with Maya Singer of Vogue magazine, USA, based on my new book, The Production of Money. I was delighted to appear in a publication (or at least on a website) read mainly by  young women…. MARCH 2, 2017 7:00 PMby MAYA SINGER What is money? That might seem like the

Money and the Government: Everything You Need to Know But Were Afraid to Ask Read More »

Why the Euro is the gold standard writ large…

In this new Prime Publication I discuss why the Euro is “the gold standard writ large”. Read an extended version of this article on Social Europe.  Delors Commission, 6 January 1986, European Commission Audiovisual Library The euro not only replicated key elements of the gold standard – but went much further: European currencies were simply abolished. States lost control over

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It’s not the public, but the private finance sector, stupid.

The Autumn Statement reveals but one thing: the Chancellor and his advisers are both ill-advised and dangerously ill-prepared for the forthcoming prolonged Depression. (And if you think I exaggerate, let me remind you that 20 years after the Japanese debt bubble burst, Tokyo house prices are still falling, and the stock market is worth 60% less

It’s not the public, but the private finance sector, stupid. Read More »

Eight fallacies in the LSE Keynes/Hayek debate

Tonight, Wednesday 3 August 2011 at 08.00pm BST (GMT +1), BBC Radio 4 will broadcast a debate which took place at the London School of Economics (LSE) on 26 July.  This broadcast will be repeated on Saturday, 6 August, at 10.15 p.m BST (GMT +1). Along with my colleagues Prof. Victoria Chick and Douglas Coe at PRIME  we have written the

Eight fallacies in the LSE Keynes/Hayek debate Read More »

Savings and the alchemy of credit – my article for Aviva

Aviva has brought together a collection of prominent thinkers to provoke renewed debate and fresh ideas about future prosperity and creating a culture of sustainable savings. The group, names the ‘Future Prosperity Panel‘, published their report ‘Big picture thinking – Towards sustainable savings’. My article is called ‘Savings and the alchemy of credit’ and is published

Savings and the alchemy of credit – my article for Aviva Read More »

Capital flows, financial crises & implications for poor countries

Last month I was invited to join the ‘Labour Party Policy Review: Making growth work for the poor and generating resources for development’. The overall group was led by Harriet Harman, and the development section was chaired by Rushnara Ali MP. Below is my short background note on mobility of capital flows, financial crises &

Capital flows, financial crises & implications for poor countries Read More »

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