Ann Pettifor

In York chasing the moneylenders……

26th November, 2009. I was in York Minster yesterday – before delivering a lecture at York St. John University (to be posted here later).  This is a report of an inspiring visit to the glorious York Minster with Cannon Dr. Jonathan Draper.     Report from the excellent  ‘York Press’ ……Like the ‘world expert’ bit……

” THE greed-based financial system must be swept aside and public awareness of economics increased, a world expert told a York audience last night.

Dr Ann Pettifor delivered an Ebor Lecture at York St John University, on “chasing the moneylenders from the temple that is our democracy”.

Dr Pettifor, who predicted in 2003 that the world was heading for global crisis, condemned the role of the banks in modern politics and called for “a radically different vision of economic and social and political practice”.

She urged people of faith to show a Christ-like anger against injustice and suffering and to help raise awareness of how the economy works.

“We must discredit these theories based on greed and self-interest, and revive economic theories based on values that we as Christians esteem.”

Earlier in the day, Dr Pettifor visited York Minster, where she met clergy and learned about how the Minster was saving money and energy by reusing tea-light candles. About 250,000 of the candles are used in the Cathedral each year, and staff now get them from a company that reuses the cases, rather than binning them.


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