Ann Pettifor

Working on change – with the trades unions

26 October, 2009

As readers of this blog will know, together with luminaries such as Caroline Lucas MEP, Larry Elliott, Richard Murphy (he of the revolutionary Tax Justice Network) and Colin Hines, I am one of the co-authors of the Green New Deal – highlighted on this page. I am therefore proud of a publication issued in September, 2009 by the Green Alliance, and titled ‘Working on Change”. My contribution can be found on page 56 of the report, here.

The Green New Deal group is working on a new report – which argues that after the Age of Private Excesses the Age of Austerity is now flagged up as an inevitabiltiy by the finance sector and all political parties. Our report will challenge this consensus, and provide evidence to show that public spending to create jobs and deal with the ‘triple crunch’ of economic failure, climate change and peak oil, can both cut government debt and – wait for it – pay for itself.  You will be among the first to be alerted to Green New Deal II. So watch this space.


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