Ann Pettifor

The Greens elect a leader & adopt the Green New Deal

Had the privilege, together with other co-authors of the Green New Deal –  Colin Hines, Jeremy Leggett and Tony Juniper – of addressing the annual conference  of the Green Party yesterday. It was a moving and historic event. The Greens have finally come to their senses and elected a leader – and a brilliant one at that – Caroline Lucas.

Caroline is a principled, savvy person – just the sort of leader the country needs to deal with the greatest security threat in our history – the potentially catastrophic impacts of climate change.  Look here for her speech.….which happily for us, included an endorsement of the Green New Deal.

What delighted me was that the Greens responded enthusiastically to the idea – central to our Green New Deal – that a new political alliance is needed. Between the Green movement, the labour movement and the leaders of industry – indeed all those that work productively by hand or brain. That includes the manufacturing and agricultural sectors – and their leaders – too.

We need to challenge the dominance of finance in our economy – but can only subordinate the finance sector to the interests of the country as a whole, if we overcome our differences, and unite. No small task…but I would trust Caroline to do it.


3 thoughts on “The Greens elect a leader & adopt the Green New Deal”

  1. Ann, I was there and just want to thank you for your participation at conference. The Green New Deal document, and the speeches and panel

    discussion, were a mixture of daunting and inspiring, which is the case at many events at Green conference, where brutal honesty is, in my short

    experience, the order of the day. Keep up the good work.

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