Ann Pettifor

Real World Economic Outlook

The Real World Economic Outlook was published in 2003, and was intended as an antidote to the IMF’s annual World Economic Outlook. It was edited by Ann Pettifor, and published by the New Economics Foundation (London), in collaboration with Palgrave MacMillan. Contributors include Romilly Greenhill, Pat Conaty, Joseph Stiglitz, Andrew Simms, Erinc Yeldan, Franklin Serrano, Dean Baker, Jayati Ghosh, Jomo KS, Janet Bush, Zo Randriamoro, Herman E. Daly, Gita Sen, Nic Marks, Robert Hunter Wade, Alan Freeman, Peter Warburton, Michael Hudson, Wynne Godley, Dani Rodrik, David Boyle, Jane D’Arista and Ann Pettifor.

“Too much of what passes as economic analysis is used to justify the status quo. This book provides absolutely the right diagnosis of globalisation. It tells it as it really is. ”

– Larry Elliott, Guardian

“In the unreal world of corporate spin and wars fought for fictitious reasons, Real World Economic Outlook, brought out by a group of engaged and rooted economists, gives a much-needed reality check about the mess we’re in and ways for getting out of it.”

Dr. Vandana Shiva, Founding Director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology ology and Ecology in New Delhi. 


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