11th December 2009
Last night I appeared on Newsnight alongside American Economist Martin Bailey discussing the much lambasted Tobin Tax. Click here or on the link below to watch the whole episode on BBC iPlayer (the Tobin Tax discussion begins at 15.00 mins in).
Sorry Ann,
But as I am in Australia , I am blocked from uk/iplayer
so I can’t view the programme
I didn’t think you were allowed to say enough and that @#$% American banker was not stayed from interrupting you. He didn’t even
provide any arguments, only the repeated iteration of prejudices/vested interests. More time was given over to what I think is the more trivial
matter of MPs’ expenses, not that this issue is trivial in itself, just that what we do about the credit crisis is more important. Perhaps the
closer we get to the possibility of a close/lost election, we will see a concentration of minds. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, if we don’t
all hang together, we shall assuredly all hang separately.
Dear Ann
I think it’s worth taking a look at this paper:
I did not fully understand the arguments but it seems to me that it is very
well researched, the authors are not ‘the normal suspects, the possible effects of reduced liquidity on the Euro zone and many smaller economies
need to be carefully considered.